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Slot Zuylen Utrecht

Slot zuylen utrecht university
  • Slot Zuylen ligt aan de Vecht in Oud-Zuilen, net buiten Utrecht. Het middeleeuwse kasteel werd in de 18e eeuw verbouwd tot buitenhuis. De bekendste bewoner was de schrijfster Belle van Zuylen. Al 60 jaar is Slot Zuylen opengesteld als museum. Slot Zuylen is te bezichtigen onder begeleiding van een gids.
  • Wij zijn Landschap Erfgoed Utrecht. Het is onze missie om het landschap en het culturele erfgoed in Utrecht te beschermen, te beheren en te verrijken: Wij zijn waar je woont en waar je werkt. Waar je kinderen leren, je een lunchwandeling maakt in het park, een avondje uitgaat en weer thuiskomt.

Slot Zuylen - Kerst op het Kasteel Datum en tijden: vanaf 11 december elke vrijdag t/m zondag in december en de gehele kerstvakantie (met uitzondering van 1e/2e kerstdag en nieuwjaarsdag) Bezoek aan het Slot kan alleen met een online reservering. Neem je eigen smartphone en oortjes mee voor de audiotour.

ZuylenSlot zuylen utrecht museum

Other names: Slot Zuylen, the castle of Zuylen.

Slot Zuylen Utrecht University


Location: The Zuylen castle is located just outside Utrecht, in the village of Oud-Zuilen. The place can be reached from Utrecht via road A2 direction Maarssen, turning right at the crossing with the N320. The castle is also reachable by public transport, bus number 36 leaves from Utrecht Central Station. Get off at Oud-Zuilen and walk towards the village, the castle is situated right after the bridge on the right-hand side, within a 10-minute walk, at Tournooiveld 1.

History: Zuylen castle has a rich cultural history. The castle was originally built in the 13th century, and parts of it still date from the 16th century, contributing to the castle’s medieval appearance. There are four main towers at each corner of the castle and the entrance is presided over by a charming gate-tower. The castle is surrounded by water on three sides. The original castle was demolished in 1420 and rebuilt in 1520, after which the estate belonged to the family Van Tuyll van Serooskerken. A descendant of that family, Diederik Jacob van Tuyll van Serooskerken, gave the castle its current appearance with the help of architect Jacob Marot in 1752. A famous Dutch writer Belle van Zuylen was born in the castle in 1740 and spent much of her early life there, therefore the inside of the castle is strewn with mementos such as her portraits and possessions. The fact that she came up with many of her ideas in the castle gives the place a further cultural value. The castle is now a museum, furnished much in the style of the past times, sporting original furniture, glasswork, porcelain and paintings, legacy of the Van Tuyll family who lived here until 1952.
The large landcape gardens surrounding the building are in a variety of styles, ranging from the English style to formal landscaping. The winding wall surrounding the castle and its gardens provides enough protection from the cool Dutch climate that tropical plants can grow in its shade.

Access: The gardens are free to enter and are open until 17.00. The inside hosts a museum. The opening hours of the museum vary according to season. The museum can only be visited with a tour guide and from 15 May until 15 September tours take place from Tuesday to Thursday every hour starting at 11.00 until 16.00, Saturdays from 14.00 until 16.00, Sundays from 13.00 until 16.00. The castle in then closed Mondays and Fridays.
From 15 March until 15 May, and 15 September until 15 November the tours take place only Saturdays from 14.00 until 16.00 and Sundays from 13.00 until 16.00.
From 15 November until 15 March the castle is closed, being accessible only to groups who make an appointment.
Ticket prices for the tour: Adults EUR 6, children (ages 4 to 16) EUR 4, seniors (from 65) EUR 5, groups (15 people and more) EUR 5 per person, groups of children (15 people and more) EUR 3 per person, school groups (15 people and more) EUR 2 per person, free of charge for members of the Rembrandt Society, Friends of Slot Zuylen and ICOM-card holders.

Activities: It is possible to arrange occasions in the castle, such as meetings and weddings, including catering. Contact: +31302440255. The castle has a waterside terrace serving drinks. There is a gourmet restaurant Belle next to the castle grounds.

Other castles in the area: Nijenrode, Gunterstein, De Haar (Haarzuilens), Vleuten and many more.

Nearby cities: Utrecht, Amsterdam, Zeist, Amersfoort, Hilversum.


  • Castle homepage:

Slot Zuylen Utrecht Museum

Slot Zuylen Castle is situated on the river Vecht in the tiny village of Oud-Zuilen near Utrecht. Whilst retaining many of its medieval castle-like features it was converted into a country mansion in the 18th century. Its most famous resident was Belle van Zuylen (Isabelle de Charrière), writer of fame and feminist avant la lettre. Slot Zuylen opened its doors to visitors 60 years ago and has meanwhile acquired museum status. Admission to the castle museum is by guided tour only, which lasts around 75 minutes. Guided tours are given in Dutch, but all are welcome to join as information sheets are available to follow along in English, French or German.

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Slot Zuylen is surrounded by historic gardens, which are perfect for relaxing strolls. One of the main features of the garden is its famous serpentine wall.

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Housed inside the former carriage house, the museum café serves fairtrade coffee and tea, organic juices, baked goods and a lunch menu featuring products from the museum garden. It also serves high tea. With various walking and cycling trails passing along the carriage house, the museum café is a lovely spot where all are welcome to relax and recharge over coffee, tea or lunch.